Every day this week there has been a beautiful sunrise and this song has been going around in my head - ‘The sun comes up its a new day dawning. Its time to sing your song again, whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, let me be singing when the evening comes’.

It is such an uncertain time isn’t it? We face many challenges and I am sure like me you have had times in the past week of fear, sadness, anger and anxiety. However with all this beautiful weather and many stories of just how many people are going out of their way to care for and support one another there have also been times of joy and hope.
We have been thinking in Pinhoe over the last few months about how ‘church’ is not something that just happens on a Sunday. We are The Church wherever we are and whatever we are doing we are church and we are family. If you are feeling isolated remember you are not alone, your church family are with you.
Over the next few days I will be working out how to steam a service of sorts on a Sunday morning so that we can continue to worship together across the mission community. I will keep this page updated and will let you know how to join in with those services. For now though I would commend to you the Diocesan web page which will shop you how to live stream their services on a Sunday morning. The national Church also has a service that will be accessible form their website tomorrow at 9am from the Archbishop of Canterbury.
In the meantime please do phone or email the office if you need any help with shopping or would simply like one of us to ring you for a chat.
Every blessing of the Lord Jesus be yours.
Wiz xx