I have been baking and delivering bread to folk for the past few weeks (email me if you want to go on my delivery list!!) and the hymn ‘Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer’ has been playing in my head.
Different bits seem relevant for different days, I don’t know about you but I am finding this isolation is up and down. Some days are fine and others seem pitted with worry and fear. We can assume that like potholes in a road the worry and fear are best avoided and yet if we have faith maybe stopping for a moment and facing the worry and fear is not such a bad thing.
We have a Great Redeemer who is always with us, we are not alone no matter how lonely we may feel.
‘Strong deliverer, strong deliverer; Be thou still my strength and shield.’ We have a strong deliverer on our side, we are weak but He is mighty.
‘When I tread the verge of Jordan; bid my anxious fears subside.'
Fear is a part of life but it does not need to dominate our life. Maybe our prayer if we are struggling with fear should simply be, 'bid my anxious fears subside……..'