It was really exciting to start the Alpha course at Pinhoe last Wednesday evening (26 January)!
The evening started with a most delicious meal together, with a choice of shepherds pie, meatballs and spaghetti, butternut squash curry, and coq au vin. The meals had been provided by several people from the parish, which was really kind of them - and good to see what culinary talent we have among us!
After the meal, we watched the first Alpha video together which talks about life’s big questions, and how we find answers to them. Then we spent the last part of the evening chatting in smaller groups and getting to know each other a bit better (we asked each other: if we could have any guest to dinner, living or dead, who would that be?) and then talking a bit more about what our big questions are, over coffee, and accompanied by some very chocolatey brownies.
What I really appreciated about the evening (as well as the awesome food) was the opportunity to get to know new people, as well as having a bit of space in the evening to talk about some of those really important questions that we don’t normally have the time to think about.
Thanks go as well to the URC team, who provided us with their church hall to meet.
The Alpha course continues next week on Wednesday 2 February from 7pm until 8.45pm, at Pinhoe URC – its definitely not too late to join, and spend a really enjoyable evening with others. If you’d like to come along, do email Wiz (vicar@pinhope.co.uk ) or Rachel (curate@pinhope.co.uk) .